Thursday, January 9, 2014

Show Up : An Underrated Key To Achievement.

Showing Up: One of the most underrated keys to achieving what You deserve & desire.

When I first got to college I remember a Professor telling our class that they took attendance even thought coming to class wasn't mandatory. They also shared that showing up would earn us 10% of our final grade. Another 10% would be earned by participating lightly in class discussions. So 20% of our total grade was directly related to just showing up. That meant that even getting 50% on the rest of the course breakdown (exams, assignments and tests) would result in an overall passing grade.

At first this didn't seem fair. Why should everyone receive 'easy' marks for simply showing up?!
I learned later why. I learned later the importance of simply showing up.

You see it is hard for us to achieve anything in any arena if we don't, first, show up. In no way am I saying that only showing up is going to get the work done but very few people who build a habit of showing up can do so without giving, at the very least, a small effort. And when we habitually show up and habitually put in, again at the very least, a little effort we get results that we desire. Results tend to mirror our effort and constancy. That's to say a little effort over a little time will yield a little of what You desire and deserve. The formula works even more fruitfully in our favour when our effort increases along with our commitment over time:

Amount of Effort x Amount Of Time = Amount Of Desired Results

It's hard to put in an effort when we don't even show up. How many great workouts have You had that didn't have a start? Or what work have You ever done well that You've not first started just to do?

Showing up is essential to learning to be better at whatever craft we are looking to be better at. Who's heard of a basketball player who gets better without going to practice and going through hundreds of repetitions (sorry Mr. Iverson).

The amount of effort we put in to something multiplied by the amount of time we commit to that same thing will give us the amount of our desired results. On the path towards getting what we most desire & deserve we will undoubtedly come up against many challenges and obstacles but if we don't come to them we never get through them and that means we never get to where we need in our souls to go. In order to make it through the toughest times we need practice, we need repetitions in dealing with, learning from and triumphing over challenges. And we cannot get our reps in if we don't show up.

Prayers for an amazing journey as You habitually show up in Your life to shine brightly and grow faithfully.


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