Monday, May 28, 2012

Why Do I Workout? ©

Why do I work out? 
Because my physical body is a vessel for my spiritual self, the physical manifestation of my desires. When I care for my body, I'm simply revealing my care for my Soul. I'm shaping my habits, proving to myself that my body is worth 4% of my day. 

Why do I work out? 
Because it's about much more than a "six pack" or a bench press max. It's affirmation that I can do what I set out to do, that I can overcome challenges and reach my goal. 

With over a decade of working with people to get what they desire and deserve and myself coming off of a couple pretty big injuries I understand that working out is a process. That getting the body we desire & deserve is a process. That we must challenge ourselves past our comfort zone in order to continue to shape our bodies but in order to do that we must first challenge ourselves past our comfort zone and continually explore our minds and hearts. You see we can NEVER get the body we desire & deserve, the life we desire & deserve until we first believe in it's possibility. Or at the very start, we must believe in our ability to be further along than we currently are & see the possibility of being somewhere en route towards our goals. As long as we believe that we are destined to be as we are, we can never become as we desire. Until we see different we cannot ever hope to be different. 

The body that we desire and deserve comes from creating habits that serve us in that pursuit. As we create habits we change and as we change we are motivated to continue to create & sustain habits that serve us in order to continue to get results. The tricky part is that this results motivation spiral can either serve us or hinder us. Meaning we get great results and continue in the direction of our desires or we get 'negative' results and continue towards the demise of our desires. 

As long as we continually examine our hearts & minds, as long as we continue to seek to answer the question "What do I truly desire?" we are on the right path. 

That's why I work out. 

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Enjoy The Experience... ©

One of the fastest ways we discourage ourselves is to believe that we ought to be experts before we fully enjoy & embrace the experience. We cannot take flight until we first master walking so each step is one closer to what we desire not a punishment for not yet arriving at our destination. We can travel through and to, but we must do so one step at a time. 
In being blessed to work with people, navigating them to what they deserved and desired I have seen this phenomenon time and time again - they start at one place and expect to get to their goal in far less time than it took for them to get to where they are. What do I mean? Well, take being overweight for instance. This doesn't happen because of the one donut eaten yesterday or the  bag of chips from the day before. One doesn't put on excessive weight because they skipped one workout a week ago or a month ago. Excessive weight gain happens over a long period of time and is facilitated by a number of bad habits that one takes on. These habits don't come upon us overnight so whey should we believe that the new habits we are instituting into our lives would happen instantly. Yes, change happens in an instance for change is but a decision but that is the first step! Each day we must reinforce that decision with many other decisions - some of which are exact opposite of the habits we have built over time. It is through this conscious thought process that we are able to trade the habits that don't serve us in our pursuit of what we deserve & desire into one's that do serve us! It is through this consistent commitment to ourselves and our passion, through preparation and planning and perseverance in our execution do we create what we desire and deserve. And this all takes time so give yourself the time to change, to grow and to fully enjoy and embrace the journey for it is on the walk that we truly gain our wings.
Just sayin'... 

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Success = Understanding + Action. ©

Success in our lives, however we define it, never happens because of what we know but when we actively apply our knowledge to our actions. Understanding without application is worthless in the pursuit of success. Or in working on that summer body.

For instance, we all know that we should "eat better" and "work out". I've been a Conditioning Specialist for over a decade and I've never met a client who wanted to loose weight tell me that they thought the 3 Big Mac's a week with large fries and apple pies was serving them in reaching their weigh loss goals. But they ate them anyways.

What things do you do in your daily life that don't serve you towards getting what you desire and deserve? What habits do you have (that you may not even be aware of) that you continually work with that hindering you from getting to where you desire to be? How are you not effectively using what you know to get what you want? And the money question: what steps are you going to use to institute habits that apply your knowledge (and the knowledge of others who know how to get what you desire) to get to your desired destination?

Knowing is worthless if we aren't doing what we know. An idea unimplemented is a great thought but of little value in this world and of even less value in getting us to where we wish to be. One of the secrets to success isn't thinking of being successful (whatever that means to you) but thinking of being successful and then acting on that thought in as many ways as possible until that thought becomes your reality.

Understanding + Action = Success.
Now I've got to get to the gym...

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