Friday, April 22, 2011

F@*k "Critics"!

Hi, I'm a "Critic". Huh?!
How is that a job title? How does one person become an expert in the art of "critic"? Do they walk around practicing? Do they just decide one day that there sour attitude should be shared with other on the hopes of enlightening folks? I mean really. What's next "Professional back seat driver designations? Jeesh.

Look, I'm all for constructive criticism but c'mon your job title says it all... You're a "critic" for goodness sakes. I mean that's not a job, that's something you do - generally when you're an asshole with just enough courage to "critique" people who actually have the
grapefruits to do shit.

Sorry 'bout the language, I'm a little heated.... Why you ask?
Well I've got a friend who happened to pour much of his creative and financial energy into an amazing project and I open the paper to read a professional asshole, oops, I mean "Critic" proceed to brutalize an amazing piece of work. I wish that were it. I've got a client who is making tremendous strides at changing her life, her habits and in turn the shape of her body. Amazing right?! Wrong says the "Critic" with words such as 'well she can't keep it off' or 'what do you mean workout at least 5 days per week? That's not realistic for you.' No critic. Who happens to be wildly out of shape and out of control in the discipline department. Just thought I'd throw that in.
If I wasn't a gentleman, and I didn't read all my writing to my 102 year old Grandma I'd call "Critics" by the name they are known for where I grew up. Use your imagination.

Listen to me - if you have critics, either professional or the growing population of amateur one's remember one thing: they are liers. They are not telling you something is bad/impossible/cannot be done etc because that is the truth, they are telling you that because deep down they are jealous of the power that you have in saying something is going to get done and then doing it. They are jealous of the freedom which you earned in turning discipline and hard work into your comrades. They are angry that they choose to believe that they cannot accomplish greatness and that your striving for greatness only goes to further magnify their mediocrity. So don't believe their lies. And don't be angry with them, in fact love them for it is a hard place to know you want to change, need to change and yet doing nothing.
In fact next time you come upon a critic just smile cause it means you are on the right track to somewhere good. I mean who has ever heard of a critic showing up at a dude's sentencing hearing? Or the concert of an artist who sells a whopping 5 seats? Or... Well you get the point. So love the critic, the person of course. And if you feel their criticism seeping through your shield of faith and humility then feel free to let them know that you are quite willing to plug their lie hole with a righteous dose of truth fist.
Figuratively speaking of course.
Or not.

Cheers to all y'all who are walking your journey, working towards what you desire & deserve and enjoying the trip.
Now it's Saturday night. I've got to go find something to do.

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